Tuesday, March 24, 2009

where does time go???

Life has been busy, I feel like the last few weeks have been a big blur.... on Friday I got to go to a Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Banquet, just what any girl would want to do on her birthday right????? it was not so bad, we got a free diner with no kids, so I can't complain, then on Saturday Brynn, my mom and I ran to St George to do a little shopping, and lunch at Olive Garden, then came back in time to go Joseph a Nashville Tribute to the Prophet, with Shawn and Jentri. (thanks Quinn, Amanda and Riley for watching Brynn and Lex) the concert was so neat, if I ever get the chance I would go again, they came down to perform for the youth. Shawn and I went on The Martins Cove Trek this last June with our ward and it was such a humbling experience, the group that performed just came out with a Trek CD, and it reminded me so much of our trip, it gives me chills. Shawns sister Pam was in charge of arranging the concert to come to Cedar, so we got 2nd row seats, my mom was on the first row, he, he. One of the members of the band had lived in Cedar for a while before moving to Nashville, his name is Tim Gates, Pam invited my grandma Jolley and mom to come and watch the concert, my grandma knew Tim before he moved so she thought that it was way cool when he pointed and waved to her during the show. If you would like to check these guys out click on the link: Nashville Tribute Band Intro Video
On Monday I took Lexie to her dentist and she had four cavities! I thought that she only had two, she did so good, they gave her some laughing gas and she sat their watching Horton Hears a Who after I ask her if she felt sleepy and she said that it made her HAPPY!! and that she likes that stuff, she makes me laugh!!
Jentri woke up early this morning with a sore throat, I was going to keep her home but told her to try and go to school and if she continued to feel sick then to call me and I would come and get her, well she did not call me until 3:20, school gets out at 3:30, so I went and picked her and Lexie up I could tell that she did not feel well. She took it easy this afternoon and then when I got home from young women's activity tonight Shawn said he wondered if she had Strep, so Jen and I headed to Insta Care at 8:10 P.M. they checked her for Strep and it came back positive, we hurried and got her a prescription to start before it gets passed around. That is just a little of what we have been up to.....but that is probably more then you wanted to know.